HR training

Roman Drobňák, leads the Compensation & Benefits team in one of the biggest Czech bank. Roman graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava. He has 15 years of banking experience. First he worked for 6 years in finance controlling and since 2007 he has been responsible for compensation and benefits area. His last position was in the global manufacturing company in the automotive sector, where he acted for more than 3 years as a Senior Manager of Compensation & Benefits and Global Mobility.
economic training

Jiří Strouhal is a full professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting at Skoda Auto University and also serves as a president of the Association of Czech Professional Accountants. He is a professional advisor in a field of financial reporting, financial performance analysis and the recognition and measurement of financial securities and derivatives. He published more than 30 professional books from the field of finance and accounting.
Financial statements analysis
- Information sources and users of financial analysis
- Vertical and horizontal analysis of financial statements
- Ration analysis
- profitability analysis
- liquidity analysis
- turnover analysis
- debt ratios
- Net working capital, cash operating cycle, EVA
- Pyramidal decomposition
- Credit scoring
- Benchmarking
- Practical case study in MS Excel
The major output of this module is to prepare a template for a financial analysis. Kindly bring your laptop with MS Excel 2007+.
Principal differences between Czech Accounting Legislature and IFRS
- Legal framework of financial reporting in the Czech Republic
- Major differences
- Intangibles and tangibles
- Inventories
- Financial instruments
- Provisions
- Corporate income tax (due and deferred)
- “CZ GAAP” Financial Statements
The module is focused on the computation of practical exercises and case studies, i.e. calculator is needed. NOTE: Module is not focused on the differences in recognition and measurement of revenues.